Saturday, May 25, 2013

Fathers Must Educate Themselves to Their Real Rights, The Feminist Tyranny and The War On Fatherhood

Feminists have parlayed the ‘best interests of the child’ and ‘safety of women from abuse’ excuses into a tyranny against men and fathers in the family courts. Fathers, denied all constitutional due process, stripped of their fundamental rights and children, and reduced to slaves and extorted for money, must cut through the propaganda to understand their real rights and learn to fight back.
Divorce and paternity lawsuits are the basis of a multibillion dollar divorce/domestic violence and child support industry solely dependent on targeting fathers and then denying them their rights, their children, and extorting them for years without any wrong proved – but simply alleged.
With no evidence of parental unfitness and based almost solely on any accusation or characterization that the mother makes against the father, the father will lose parental control over his child(ren) and most or all of his assets. The state effectively kidnaps his children no matter how much he wants to directly care for and support his own children. read more at:

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