Saturday, May 25, 2013

Custody Rights After Establishing Legal Fatherhood

he unmarried father will not generally have the right to sole physical custody of his child, as long as the mother is a fit parent. But courts today recognize that children benefit from a relationship with both parents regardless of marriage status. Many states and the federal government have been developing initiatives to support a father's right to participate in his children's lives.
Fathers can petition the court for some rights, such as:
  • Joint legal custody, so he can share in decisions about the child's education, health and general well-being.
  • Joint physical custody, so his child can live with him part of the time.
  • Visitation, so he can have the opportunity to get to know his child and establish a relationship.
    The courts will consider the best interests of the child in deciding whether to award custody or visitations rights fathers. Joint legal custody is commonly granted, but the court considers various factors, including the home environment, when considering granting joint physical custody or visitation.
    If the mother dies or is found unfit, the legal father's rights will often take priority over other individuals who may want custody, including the mother's relatives. read more at:

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