Saturday, March 30, 2013

Elizabeth Johnson Sentenced to Five Years, Refuses to Reveal Child’s Location

Elizabeth Johnson was back in court one last time last Friday.  Here’s the latest (New York Daily News, 12/8/12).  She’s the Arizona mother who, when faced with the demands by their son’s father for custody of the boy, went on the lam to Texas and ultimately Florida.  Their son Gabriel has never been seen since.  Johnson told the father, Logan McQueary, that she had murdered the boy, stuffed his body in a plastic garbage bag and tossed it in a dumpster.  That supposedly occurred in San Antonio, but belated searches of local landfills by police turned up no body.
Captured in Florida and faced with criminal charges, Johnson hastened to claim that Gabriel was still alive, that she’d given him to a couple in a park in San Antonio and had no idea of where or who they were.  Johnson spent three years in jail awaiting trial at which she was convicted of custodial interference, among other things.  The maximum sentence would have been 9 1/2 years, but the judge sentenced her to only 5 1/4 years with four years probation when she gets out.  With credit for time served, Johnson will be out in at most 2 1/4 years.

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